Friday, October 23, 2015

Should she or shouldn't she?

A friend and hockey teammate posted a link to a workshop where, if one attends, one can learn the steps to Michael Jackson's "Thriller." The idea is simple: they want 40 people to dress up as zombies and be part of a flash mob on Halloween in the town next door to mine.

Halloween falls on a Saturday this year, and while a part of me would like to do this, another part of me knows i'm probably too cack-handed to learn so many steps in only one workshop. I was reminded of this when I saw this on more than one friend's facebook wall:


  1. I certainly wouldn't go.... two left feet, and everything else.

    1. Same here! Two left feet, and no sense of rhythm! But it would probably be fun.

    2. I can learn steps but not quickly. Of course, I could attend the workshop and if I see I am really and truly hopeless, just not do it. I think being part of a flash mob would be fun.

  2. I would love to be part of a flash mob but learning in one workshop. no. Not possible for me. You should go and watch the event though. It would be great I'm sure to see people's reactions.

    1. I found out only later that they've been having weekly classes for this and then added the workshop. I wonder if it was to get more people. Had I known about the weekly classes earlier, I might have signed up.

      Being part of a flash mob is on my life list (my longtime term for a bucket list).

  3. Aww, you should do it. A fun thing, 40 people, costumes, music, in the middle of a crowd ... it's not going to matter if you mess up a little. It'd be fun. And I am no one's idea of a good dancer.

    1. That thought has crossed my mind, too, Cheryl. If I go to the workshop and see that i'm absolutely hopeless, then I probably won't do it. It seems they did something last year, too, so now that I know about it, perhaps I can pencil it in a with a little more certainty for 2016.

  4. Coming over from Going Gently, you now have 21 Followers!!!

    1. Hi, Fat Dormouse, thanks for stopping by and following me!

  5. I, too, am of the same ilk. I have two left feet and while I have often been the recipient of dance lessons, they have rarely ended well.
